Our photo gallery
🗓️ May 8, 2021
This started out as our wedding website. And our wedding's "brand" was just these two little stick figures, waving hello! All over our programs and signage and of course, our website, in a tribute to the legendary parallax effect on the Firewatch website.
When the time came to put our wedding photos online, I ended up building a gallery app. And now, especially since we've left much of social media, I've expanded that to include all sorts of photos we want to share with our friends and family.
Some implementation notes:
- It's a SvelteKit app, of course. A little out of date, though.
- I use Sanity to manage the galleries. The Sanity image pipeline is great for this. Building a custom input component, on the other hand, wasn't that great.
- I had to use exifr to write a little hack to pull the description and store it in a field.
- And of course, the videos are handled by Mux
- I probably spent the most time trying to get the full-screen lightbox to work. An accessible dialog with gestures and keyboard navigation and an intuitive way to show descriptions.
- I used to grab location and show it with Mapbox. I think that broke at some point. Maybe I'll bring it back.